All sizes quotes are approximate and the customer should always check when possible.
All cash sales must be paid fully before delivery.
Payment by cheque over charge card limit must be paid 10 working days prior to delivery.
Delivery is to your door. Unwrapping, assembly and time calls not included in this charge.
All velvet pile (velour) fabrics will shade or scroll in normal use.
It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that any goods ordered will fit into their property.
Minimum Cancellation Charge of 20% applies to all orders.
All goods supplied are guaranteed against any defect in manufacture for a period of twelve months from date of purchase, providing all manufacturers assembly and care instructions are strictly adhered to.
Any defect that occurs during this period will be put right free of charge including parts and labour.
Goods should be checked upon receipt for any damage or obvious defects and any item of unsatisfactory quality should be reported immediately.
Acceptance and use of goods will be deemed as acceptance under the sale of goods act, and waiver the right to reject.
We do thank you for shopping with us and hope your goods will give you pleasure and satisfaction. Should you have any cause to complain, please contact the store immediately.
The above conditions do not affect your statutory rights under consumer legislation.
Fringes are for decorative purposes only and are not covered by normal warranty. Extra care should be taken to avoid heels or vacuum cleaners catching fringe.
Ensure any loose particles of dust etc. are regularly removed from upholstery.
Foam cushions should be plumped out on a daily basis to avoid flattening and cushions turned where possible on a weekly basis.
Any zips on cushions are for manufacturing purposes only, and interiors should not be removed.
Seek professional advice before attempting to remove any stains from upholstery.
Please ensure that the goods you order are of a size that can be comfortably delivered to your property, particularly bedroom furniture, checking size of landings, heights, widths and doors etc. Whilst we can advise you on the size of your furniture, we cannot be responsible for the size of your home. Furniture is expensive to order, transport, store and deliver to you, so please be careful as a minimum cancellation charge of 20% will apply to goods that cannot be delivered due to the size of a customer’s property (more for special orders).